July 2022

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Friends in Philanthropy: July 2022 Issue

“What if we set a deadline to give away our whole endowment?” If you asked that question at a foundation in the 1980s, you’d have gotten a lot of funny looks.

Not anymore. In the last 10 years, 38% of new philanthropies chose time-limited models to guide their giving, according to Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

Why? For some founders, it’s to enjoy the satisfaction of “giving while living.” For others, it’s to break the gridlock that can result from guarding the endowment at all costs.

To be sure, time-limited grantmaking has its own drawbacks, and the vast majority of foundations are still designed to continue in perpetuity. But the dramatic rise of a whole new model is proof that in philanthropy, conventional wisdom is ripe for challenging.

Read on for inspiration that can reshape your own thinking, too.

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Don’t Stop Giving To Charity During Rocky Markets. Just Give Smarter. (Forbes) – Need doesn’t pause during downturns—it rises. Here’s how to use non-cash assets and Roth conversions to keep giving, and rebalance your portfolio in the process.

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5 Things You Have That Charity Leaders Need As Much As Money (National Christian Foundation) – Grants are great, but so is expertise. Don’t underestimate the good you can do for a charity just by giving advice.

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More Foundations Are Speeding Up Their Giving (Barron’s) – In the ’80s, setting a timeline to spend down your endowment was unheard of. But in the last decade, 38% of new philanthropies choose time limits. What’s going on? (You can also read the full report here.)

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How Putin’s War Is Threatening a Miracle Food Relied On By Millions (Christian Science Monitor) – The enriched peanut paste known as Plumpy’nut is one of the best tools UNICEF has to fight hunger. But disruptions in Ukraine are making it impossible to keep the supply flowing, and there’s no relief in sight.

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4 Tips for Bringing Philanthropy-as-a-Service (PhaaS) to Your Company (TechReport) – Platforms like Groundswell are making it easier than ever to involve employees in corporate philanthropy. Find out how and why to hop aboard the trend.

Photos courtesy of Unsplash.

Kinship United often posts content and opinions that are of interest to the philanthropic community that supports Kinship United’s mission. Nothing published by Kinship United constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by Kinship United be solely relied upon for any investment, tax, legal or financial decisions. Kinship United strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a qualified investment professional before making any financial decisions.