A gold trophy

November 2022

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Friends in Philanthropy: November 2022 Issue

“The amount of money didn’t even feel real. What felt more real was the pride and validation that the work I was doing mattered, and somebody had noticed.”

– An anonymous nonprofit leader on what it meant to receive a large, unrestricted grant from MacKenzie Scott

It’s been more than two years since MacKenzie Scott shook up philanthropy by giving dozens of nonprofits enormous grants with almost no conditions attached.

Now we’re starting to see whether her radical approach is working. Short answer: absolutely.

That’s according to a new survey from the Center for Effective Philanthropy, which found that the nonprofits Scott supported are generally thriving—expanding services and reach while making permanent improvements in their infrastructure and financial stability.

Only time will tell if the rest of the philanthropy world will embrace Scott’s trust-based giving style. But given the results so far, expect much more talk about rethinking how funders see their role in the coming years.

A grandma kissing the forehead of her granddaughter

10 Ways Your Foundation Can Engage the Next Generation (Exponent Philanthropy) – Experts say forcing younger family members to get involved on your terms is a dead end. Instead, create a two-way partnership that gives them a say and lets them use their strengths.

A gold trophy

A Major Survey Finds MacKenzie Scott Is Fantastic at Philanthropy (Fortune) – Some have worried that charities might struggle to handle Scott’s large, unrestricted gifts. But a new survey of 277 nonprofits shows the grants have been nearly all upside. (Read the full report here.)

Man opening an empty wallet

The FTX Bankruptcy Is a Disaster for the Charities It Supported (The Conversation) – Millions in promised funds will almost certainly not arrive—and even some disbursed money may get “clawed back” in bankruptcy.

A community in Africa raising their hands in the air

Glimpses of Hope During a Week in Kakuma Refugee Camp (Christianity Today) – Refugee camps are meant to be temporary. But now many of Kakuma’s 240,000 residents are 2nd- or 3rd-generation. Still, one visitor saw how worship services kept people there from losing all hope.

Stacked sandwiches

A Local Legend Inspired Volunteers to Make 10,000 Sandwiches in a Day (Washington Post) – Eugenia Duke (of Duke’s Mayonnaise fame) was said to have made 10,000 sandwiches in a single day to get by during WWI. Could her hometown replicate the feat for local food banks?

Photos courtesy of Unsplash.

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