November 2021

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Friends in Philanthropy: November 2021 Issue

“Are you sure Abraham? You sure you don’t want a Playstation?”

– Miriam Olagbegi, mother of a 13-year-old boy who used his
Make-a-Wish request to feed the homeless

Abraham Olagbegi deserved to spoil himself. The 13-year-old boy from Mississippi had spent the past year battling a rare blood disorder so serious it required a bone marrow transplant.

But when Make-a-Wish came calling, Abraham surprised everyone with his request: he wanted to fight hunger in his community by organizing a monthly free meal for the homeless.

But despite forgoing a tropical vacation or a chance to meet a celebrity, the Olagbegis don’t see their unusual wish as a sacrifice. They even plan to turn the idea into a permanent nonprofit, already dubbed “Abraham’s Table.” “It’s just so rewarding,” says his mother, Miriam.

As we head into the Christmas season, this month’s issue reaffirms a central tenet of philanthropy: that giving is its own reward.

Stacked cans of food

Why a Teen Boy Used His “Make-A-Wish” to Feed the Homeless (CBS News) – Abraham Olagbegi could have asked for a Playstation. Instead he set up Abraham’s Table—and he’s just getting started.

Tax documents

What You Need to Know About Making Charitable Gifts in 2021 (Bloomberg Tax) – From donating appreciated assets to bundling your gifts, these tips will help you get the maximum tax benefit you deserve this year.

A bitcoin

Who Wins When Cryptocurrency Donations Soar? (ABC News) – Bitcoin gifts are skyrocketing in 2021. But nonprofits are flummoxed by the extreme volatility of the crypto market, where a donation can lose half its value in a flash.

A mosquito

The Malaria Vaccine Is a Big Deal but Not a Silver Bullet (Wired) – After 30 years in the works, it’s finally here: a malaria vaccine. But there are still serious obstacles to driving down a yearly death toll of 400,000.

Firefighter putting out a fire in a burning car

VIDEO: Can Science Explain What Drove These Carnegie Heroes? (60 Minutes) – Running toward a burning car. Donating a kidney to a stranger. Could these heroes’ selfless acts be linked to a highly active empathy center in the brain?

Photos courtesy of Unsplash.

Kinship United often posts content and opinions that are of interest to the philanthropic community that supports Kinship United’s mission. Nothing published by Kinship United constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by Kinship United be solely relied upon for any investment, tax, legal or financial decisions. Kinship United strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a qualifying investment professional before making any financial decisions.